Suche einschränken:
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3 Ergebnisse.

Single for a Greater Purpose: A Hidden Joy in the Catholi...

Zurlo, Luanne
Single for a Greater Purpose: A Hidden Joy in the Catholic Church
In these fascinating pages, author Luanne Zurlo shows that, contrary to popular opinion, single life is often a holy, joyful vocation lived out, sometimes in a hidden way, by souls who have had an authentic encounter with Christ.These souls are joyfully single for a greater purpose, nourishing both the world and the Church with the unique spiritual strengths and graces that God gives to souls who deliberately remain single for Him "š€š" in the...

CHF 27.50

Fifteen Feet from the Pope

Zurlo, Luanne D.
Fifteen Feet from the Pope
In early 2013, Luanne Zurlo decided to take an extended break from years of intense, travel-heavy work that had left her exhausted. Three months later during a brief vacation in Rome, Zurlo felt a pull like never before. It became obvious to her that she needed to spend more time in Rome-specifically to study theology at the Angelicum, a Pontifical University. Some six months later, a unique journey began as Zurlo returned to Italy to fulfill ...

CHF 17.50